This card has been designed to allow you to mount your nano VTX unify Team Black Sheep in your stack for a perfect fit (mounting "stack"). This map includes holes compatible with most receivers such as the FrSky XM + and the Team BlackSheep Crossfire Nano. Once the VTX is welded in the cut-out on the card, the tabs of the output on the side allow you full access to your VTX. Once your VTX, your camera FPV and your receiver is installed, the pad 5V to the card will fuel all your components. There are also two pads located on the side of the card to solder the button included with your Unify Nano. The button can be welded face up, face side, or with wires to allow access to the VTX anywhere. Note: If your receiver requires 3V, you will need to pull the power supply by another means.