The FunCub XL MULTIPLEX is a model with high wings, it's versatile, with very good flight performance (whether for the slow flight, for aerobatics or for towing!). It is solid and allows for errors. Many options can be added to this aircraft: the floats for a seaplane, kit, navigation lights, ...
Distances for takeoff and landing are extremely short, and thanks to its wheels the "bush" it may almost evolve on all types of terrain.
It is supplied with a towing hook, a large cargo delivery, it can very easily turn into a platform of work in the field of uav (learning to fly manual on fixed-wing test pilot automatic, identified thanks to an onboard sensor that it has the capacity to carry, etc...)
Version of RR, it comes with 6 Servos HS-225BB and its engine permax (ESC, Motor, Propeller 15x8)
This product requires a Radio/Receiver 7-channel minimum, a battery 6S 3300-3800 and a charger for Lipo.
You can find more info on this great product here:
Technical characteristics:
- Material : Elapor
- Wingspan : 1700mm
- Length : 1200mm
- Mass flight : 2850g
- Recommended battery : 6S 3300 / 3800mAh (or 2x LiPO 3S 3300mAh in series)
- Battery life : about 6 min