FLIR thermal imaging camera DUO PRO-R
The FLIR thermal imaging camera DUO PRO-R is designed for professionals in the drone wanting to make the thermal imaging is very accurate. It combines a FLIR camera VIEW PRO-R and a color camera 4K. This unique combination comes with a GPS to provide you with all the data you need and create orthomosaïque high precision !
The camera is adaptable on any type of drone, thanks to the miniaturization of the technology FLIR in addition to being easy-to-use (installation and configuration easy)
Just like the FLIR VIEW PRO R, it has a radiometric calibration that can measure the temperature on the image to the nearest pixel ! Ideal for your construction sites inspection of roofs, solar panels, buildings, agriculture and much more !
The FLIR camera DUO PRO-R features :
- Double-high-resolution sensor
- Bluetooth for configuration
- A logging system embedded
- A command PMW to control the camera
Useful tools : FLIR Tools software enables you to manage and process your images after the acquisition